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Grandma's Christmas Letter

Elizabeth Kilby • December 6, 2024

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.   (Hebrews 12:1-2, Emphasis mine)


What a year! I want so badly to sit and type up a Christmas card letter for you, long-winded Grandma style, about all the people who have been helped by YOU through Harvest this year. I can just imagine my Grandma sitting at her computer, lovingly picking out the words to tell everyone how proud she was of her family and the things that had happened that year.

Since I can’t list names for privacy reasons, I want you to imagine with me the momma who got through the hard month and was able to feed her kids. There were so many grocery orders placed this year to help families through tough weeks or months. Take a minute to pray for the family who was living in a hotel. Celebrate for the man and his son who are in warm beds in their new apartment. Jump for joy over the woman who wanted a bus pass so she could make positive changes in her life. Consider the women who were able to come pick out clothing for their children and themselves when they left everything behind to flee to a shelter. Or how about the young woman who can get to work because multiple families came together to pay for her car repairs? Goodness, I’m grinning thinking of the woman who I was able to counsel while she made a lot of phone calls and was able to get her utility bill taken care of.

We have created a special Giving Tuesday / End of Year Giving page with a list of needs we are starting to see regularly in our community.  Your gift will allow us to have funds available when requests for clothing, groceries, bus passes, and other Harvest Helps needs are received. Toward the end of this year, we started getting referrals from some very large local organizations asking us to come alongside their clients and it has been such a joy to make those connections. I absolutely cannot wait to see what 2025 will look like and I am grateful you all are a part of the journey!  Find that Giving Page Here


Elizabeth Kilby

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By Pastor Jim Kilby March 28, 2025
A good friend wrote me about a concern he has about his church body. It seems they get real excited about the worship band and other musical events, but he wonders if the applause is for the musicians or for the Lord. Frankly, I believe it's OK to praise God for the talents and abilities of the musicians and for their service to the Body, but my friend is probably correct in his concern. I've been in many churches and believe that most of the applause is not aimed at the Lord (as in a big "Amen!"), but rather toward the musicians who are there to serve the Lord. Honestly, we hold them in much higher esteem than we should, i.e., not for their service to the Lord, but because our culture worships musicians! We have several biblical examples where apostles and prophets of the Lord worked miracles and then were presented with payment. They always refused the payment or the praise and reflected the credit toward God. Many musicians I know do exactly that--reflect the praise toward God. But, as worshippers, we need to be sure to aim it there in the first place! "When the crowd saw this, they were filled with awe; and they praised God, who had given such authority to men." Matthew 9:8 Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
By Pastor Jim Kilby March 27, 2025
Have you ever tried to comfort someone and had them cry those words on your shoulder? Have you ever spoken those words in a tearful slobber? I've done both, because life just isn't fair at times! People are wicked to each other, and frankly, few seem to care! Oftentimes, even those who care don't seem like they've really ever been through the same things you've been through. How could they really understand unless they've been there? We can take great comfort in knowing that Jesus lived through every type of pain possible, and did it all without striking back at His oppressors. He too cried, but not for Himself. He cried for those who would murder Him, and for those who needed comfort. There is nothing man or beast can do to you that Jesus cannot understand. "I, even I, am he who comforts you. Who are you that you fear mortal men, the sons of men, who are but grass, that you forget the Lord your Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth, that you live in constant terror every day because of the wrath of the oppressor, who is bent on destruction? For where is the wrath of the oppressor? The cowering prisoners will soon be set free; they will not die in their dungeon, nor will they lack bread." Isaiah 51:12-14 Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
By Pastor Jim Kilby March 26, 2025
Some of the most on-fire Christians I know are teenagers. The Lord has preserved a large number of young people who call on His name regardless of what everyone else is doing. The Lord always does that, but my question for today is "What IS everyone else doing?" From my vantage point I see three camps. Many young people see no God but themselves. They ignore every message from Him in honor of what they would rather be doing. Another group is lost in church, but the meaning and the Holy Spirit are missing from their congregations. They hate church, and they are left wanting and wondering. The last group is a large and growing group that's begun taking up what many a nation of young people have taken up before--New Age (or should we call it "old age" remixed) religions. This group is probably the most dangerous of the lot, because at least the other two groups know they're not "down with the Lord!" Satan's lies work well on this last group because their hearts have been grabbed by things taught by demons. "They are full of superstitions from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines and clasp hands with pagans. Their land is full of silver and gold; there is no end to their treasures. Their land is full of horses; there is no end to their chariots. Their land is full of idols; they bow down to the work of their hands, to what their fingers have made. So man will be brought low and mankind humbled--do not forgive them." Isaiah 2:6b-9 Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
By Pastor Jim Kilby March 25, 2025
If there's a biblical word that's not used much any more but that is still quite applicable in the world today, it's got to be "haughty." Often the Lord describes sinful people as having haughty spirits or a haughty nature. Stiff-necked is also a similar phrase that brings an immediate word picture to mind. At the most root level, haughty means being prideful and vain. All sin comes from a prideful and vain approach to life. Is it any wonder God had such a problem with it? There's nothing He can do for such a person--they're they last people to acknowledge either Him or their need for Him. So what does a person who thinks they may be guilty of such a sin do? They go to the cross and remember what the Lord has done for them. They remember who they really are without Him and how sinful they are. Self-inspection with the aide of the Holy Spirit will do much to aide in putting a haughty spirit to death. I'm reminded what a pastor friend of mine said just this week, "If a dog is biting my son, I'm not just going to go over there and tell it to stop! I'm going to kill that dog!" Putting make-up and perfume on a haughty spirit would be like scolding that dog. Put it to sleep--permanently. Then wait and see what you're God can do through you! "You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low." 2 Samuel 22:28 Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
By Pastor Jim Kilby March 24, 2025
To a lot of young people, drinking as much alcohol as possible is just plain sport. It's fun to try to out drink your friends and still "maintain". Of course, many a young person who decides to drink to excess will be the old person of tomorrow with DUI arrests, liver problems, and all the other things that can come along with drinking. All that, plus God isn't happy about it either! Hmmmm... You think it's worth it? "Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks, who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine." Isaiah 5:11 Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine and champions at mixing drinks," Isaiah 5:22 Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
By Pastor Jim Kilby March 21, 2025
I hated to do it, but I kind of had to scold a young woman in front of a Bible study group today. She chose to say something unfitting about her parents in front of the group, and when I tried to stop her, she added "Anyway my older brother's a strong Christian and he completely agrees that they are jerks!" Since she chose the time and the place, I didn't feel like I had any choice. My response: "You are not honoring your parents with that kind of talk, and if your brother is bad-mouthing your parents to you, he's not half the Christian he thinks he is." You may not always agree with your parents, and in fact there will be hundreds of times when you don't agree with them at all. This fact does not give you the right to disregard the Lord's command to honor your mother and father. Tell them you disagree. Pray for yourself and for them. If necessary, talk to a pastor or youth leader about the issues in private. But never, never, speak ill of your mother and father in front of others. It does not honor them and it does not honor God. "Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord." Colossians 3:20 Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
By Pastor Jim Kilby March 20, 2025
I've found that that majority of people who want nothing to do with religion are still interested in having their children learn the values and ethics that come along with it. For most Americans, that means that parents are usually not opposed to allowing their children to attend Vacation Bible Schools, youth groups, etc. This is interesting to me because one of two things generally occurs. Either the young person begins to believe that religion is only for children, and outgrows it as they begin struggling with sins, OR, they give their lives to Christ and have a dramatic effect on their homes, some even leading their parents to the Lord. As a father, if there's one thing I want for my children it's that they have a strong relationship with Christ. For the non-Christian father, unfortunately even the good things they want for their children will be worthless unless Christ creates a miracle in them! "The offspring of the wicked will never be mentioned again." Isaiah 14:20b  Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
By Pastor Jim Kilby March 19, 2025
Mosquito's are a drag! This time of year they keep me from even being able to sit and read in my own backyard. Why can't they just leave me alone? Can't we come up with something to kill them all? And while I'm at it, what about these moths that fly around the light near my back door. I can't even open the door without a flock of them getting into the house. Can't they see I'm just trying to live my life without being bothered? As you re-read the paragraph above, insert "God" wherever you read the name of an insect. Is God just bugging YOU? Has the Lord Almighty become an irritant to the way YOU want to live your life? Not to worry, you're in good company--or should I say, bad company? Everyone who wants to control his life considers even the slightest mention of God a real drag. Those who want to give Him their lives can't get enough of Him. "I [God] am like a moth to Ephraim, like rot the people of Judah." Hosea 5:12  Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
By Pastor Jim Kilby March 18, 2025
Of all things you've ever been given, ever accomplished, or ever learned, what is your favorite thing? What one thing stands out in your mind as the biggest, best or brightest possession you have, whether tangible or intangible? As a Christian, that one thing is supposed be your relationship with your Lord. If it's anything else, if it's anything other than what you have, then whether you realize it or not, you've been foolin' around on your God. I said to the Lord, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." Psalm 16:8  Pastor Jim Kilby Your donation spreads good news!
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