If there's a biblical word that's not used much any more but that is still quite applicable in the world today, it's got to be "haughty." Often the Lord describes sinful people as having haughty spirits or a haughty nature. Stiff-necked is also a similar phrase that brings an immediate word picture to mind. At the most root level, haughty means being prideful and vain. All sin comes from a prideful and vain approach to life. Is it any wonder God had such a problem with it? There's nothing He can do for such a person--they're they last people to acknowledge either Him or their need for Him. So what does a person who thinks they may be guilty of such a sin do? They go to the cross and remember what the Lord has done for them. They remember who they really are without Him and how sinful they are. Self-inspection with the aide of the Holy Spirit will do much to aide in putting a haughty spirit to death. I'm reminded what a pastor friend of mine said just this week, "If a dog is biting my son, I'm not just going to go over there and tell it to stop! I'm going to kill that dog!" Putting make-up and perfume on a haughty spirit would be like scolding that dog. Put it to sleep--permanently. Then wait and see what you're God can do through you!
"You save the humble, but your eyes are on the haughty to bring them low." 2 Samuel 22:28
Pastor Jim Kilby
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