Mosquito's are a drag! This time of year they keep me from even being able to sit and read in my own backyard. Why can't they just leave me alone? Can't we come up with something to kill them all? And while I'm at it, what about these moths that fly around the light near my back door. I can't even open the door without a flock of them getting into the house. Can't they see I'm just trying to live my life without being bothered?
As you re-read the paragraph above, insert "God" wherever you read the name of an insect. Is God just bugging YOU? Has the Lord Almighty become an irritant to the way YOU want to live your life? Not to worry, you're in good company--or should I say, bad company? Everyone who wants to control his life considers even the slightest mention of God a real drag. Those who want to give Him their lives can't get enough of Him.
"I [God] am like a moth to Ephraim, like rot the people of Judah." Hosea 5:12
Pastor Jim Kilby
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