Non-Christians are often referred to as "lost" or "unsaved." While I have personally used those descriptive words thousands of times, I've been wondering if they're really accurate. While each and every Christian had a time when they were "pre-Christian," to be "unsaved" or "lost" is really to be dead! Either you are alive or you are "dead in your transgressions." Dead people don't get much done, which is another good reason why the "good works" of a dead person are worthless in the eyes of God. I'm not planning on running around calling people "dead," but I do intend to modify my thinking a bit. "Lost" souls are dead, and they are also dying! Not one of us will make it out of this world alive, but those who've been born again spiritually will walk from this life directly into the arms of God. Now that's life!
"He [Abraham] is our father in the sight of God, in whom he believed--the God who GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD and calls things that are not as though they were." Romans 4:17b (Emphasis mine)
Pastor Jim Kilby
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