It seems weird to me that anyone would even want to be worshiped. I guess I'm not even fully able to understand God desiring our worship because I cannot fathom being God or even god-like. I'm not a guy who's ever wanted anyone to worship me. The most I've ever wanted was for people to like me. I've even wondered if that was bad and often I've thought that maybe I should care less what people think about me. What seems even weirder than all that is that people would actually worship Satan. Don't they understand what he stands for? Don't they understand that he's never wiped a tear, but he's created nearly all of them! And then I recently got a shock when I learned that I often do worship Satan. How? He gets me to do it by prompting me to worship myself! When we put ourselves on our homemade thrones, we deny our God His rightful place in our lives, and we worship Satan (and the flesh) by proxy. His throne elevated above God's in our lives. And wasn't that the sin that caused him to be thrown from heaven in the first place?
"You shall have no other gods before me." Exodus 20:3
Pastor Jim Kilby
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