There's a large contingent of Christians who believe that they have no immediate responsibility to share their faith with others. Although I cannot speak for all of their motivations, I understand that at least a sizeable portion of them believe that God will call whoever He calls, and they really don't have anything to do with it. I completely disagree. Although it is true that God calls us, it is also true that we are all commanded to share the Gospel with the lost. In fact, I'll go even further and suggest that anyone who is not concerned with sharing Jesus with the lost has no love in them... thereby witnessing against his own profession of faith. For those who will share the truth, however, not only will all those they lead to the Lord join them in heaven, but they'll also receive an additional accolade...
"But at that time your people--everyone whose name is found written in the book--will be delivered. Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars for ever and ever." Daniel 12:1b-3
Pastor Jim Kilby
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