Over the last couple of days, many have written me about sexual sins they've overcome through the power of the Holy Spirit--others about battles they're still fighting. If there is any common thread in anything I've seen over these last couple of days it is that we spend a lot of time thinking about sex. As I look at the magazine covers in the checkout line at the grocery store, or at lingerie commercials, or at just about any television show, movie, or even muffler advertisement, I see an overwhelming preoccupation with sex! As they say in the business, "Sex Sells!" With such an inundation of sex innuendo everywhere we look, is it any wonder so many struggle with a preoccupation with it? People want love, and the world tells you sex is the vehicle that will get it for you. Maybe that's why so many seem to be trying to "buy" attention with the way they dress (or should I say "under-dress"). Sex was never intended to be a sales gimmick OR a way to get love. It was created by God to be an intimate and loving experience between two married people--people who were "one" in God's eyes. Under the curse of sin, sex has become a way to extort people. If there is any other common thread in what I see about the world's preoccupation with sex, it's that we have a whole lot more free time on our hands than we may want to confess. I don't know about the rest of the Christian world, but the busier I keep my hands and my mind on the Lord's business, the less time I seem to think about serving Satan with my body. Want to sin less? Fill up your free time with something other than telephone, television, and tele-friend! And when you do struggle, remember that you are not alone!
"but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members." Romans 7:23
Pastor Jim Kilby
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