Many people who wouldn't dream of doing something illicit in person are under the illusion that they can do just about anything they want to as long as they only do it in their minds. Surely everyone has an impure thought now and again, but many of us not only have them, but we foster them and enjoy them. As Christians, Jesus wants ALL of us, and what goes on in our heads makes us just as guilty before Him as the things we do in "real life." God searches our hearts, knowing every single thought and every single deed--including the one's you'd never tell anybody! It's taken many years of work, but God has done much work in my heart, and probably just as much in teaching me how to control my thoughts and use my mind to serve Him and my family. Think about it... how much stronger would your relationship with Christ be if you captured those thoughts you've been having and cast them out of your mind?
"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5
Pastor Jim Kilby
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