The pages of Scripture are replete with exhortations to put off worry and not to be anxious, to “fear not”, to “cast our cares on Jesus”, etc., etc. Sometimes when I read through these commands I feel like I must be missing something. It doesn’t matter how many times I read Jesus’ words In Matthew 6:34 (above), I still can’t seem to completely do it. Is it that I don’t pray enough? Do I not have enough of the Holy Spirit? Do I have the Spirit at all? Is my faith too small? Am I just weak? See, there I go again with the worry!
The reality is we live in a broken world. The same pages of Scripture are clear about the fall of man, our broken human condition, and the results of sin as they ripple through time and build upon one another. Now if I, a 60-year-old man, father, grandfather and pastor, still struggle to clear simple hurdles like “trust in Jesus”, imagine how difficult navigating life is for a teen or pre-teen who doesn’t know the Lord, lives in a chaotic family situation, is being abused, has a hormonal or chemical imbalance, etc., etc., would find it! This reality is why we partner with mental health professionals who, although they’re not paid very well, still volunteer their time and talents to help folks we encounter with the realities of making it through difficult days. Yes, Jesus is still the answer to what plagues the human condition. But Satan and his angels do an excellent job of putting roadblocks in the way of anyone who may otherwise answer the door to Jesus’ persistent knocking. We’re grateful for those partnerships we have with clinicians of all sorts and look forward to partnering with them all the more as anxiety becomes more and more epidemic among American youth.
Blessings in Christ,
Pastor Jim Kilby
Harvest Youth Ministries (HYM) is an outreach aimed at young people; not a youth group. HYM is an IRS approved 501(c)(3) not-for-profit ministry. All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.
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