The old adage, "suffering in silence," seems long lost in these days of quick comebacks and an "I'll get you mentality." It seems as if everyone is poised to rip you apart with their words if you even accidentally cross them. Sure, the Old Testament commanded "an eye for an eye...," but Jesus said, "turn the other cheek," as He made a distinction between the Old Testament Law and New Testament grace. Christians aren't supposed to turn their backs on evil or let people ravage their families without lifting a hand, but we sometimes take things too far. I've heard many a Christian light into someone as if they didn't know the Lord... and then I wonder, maybe they don't. At any rate, Jesus set the perfect example of how to suffer even though He did nothing wrong. The Scriptures tell us that each Christian will also suffer in this life, obviously to varying degrees. Decide now how you'll react when it happens...
"He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is silent, so he did not open him mouth." Isaiah 53:7
Pastor Jim Kilby
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